Pride and Prejudice. And Zombies (Regency Historical)


Costume Con 34 Historical: Best Embroidery

This was my first regency era historical dress and though it was fun, it’s unlikely I’ll revisit the era. My friend Lady Ozma went in on this project with me and we made everything from the skin out. Chemise, short stays (which are remarkably comfortable, even moreso than modern bras), petticoat, and dress. My dress was inspired by an extant gown of sheer cotton lawn with whitework embroidery all around the hem and then up diagonally from hem to bust. I digitized a similar regency embroidery design and machine embroidered my own dress the same way. It came out beautifully and I’m very proud of the work done on it.

For our presentation we came out on stage with fluttering fans and delicate piano music, only to have it switch when we reached mid-stage to “All we want to do is eat your brains” and turned to show off the other side of our faces that were made up with zombie bites. The gore makeup could have been better and more extensive, but there is no way I wanted it anywhere near my white dress which I’ll still use for Regency events! Other than that, it’s retired from my regular cosplay lineup.


Don’t mind us running around in our undies…



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